Frequently Asked Questions

Onks Woodwind recommends an annual cleaning.  Woodwind instruments have complicated mechanisms that are comprised of many keys, levers, corks, and pads.  Over time, as you play your instrument, all of these pieces and parts start to wear and become less efficient which in turn makes the instrument harder to play.  For more detailed information about Onks Woodwind’s annual cleaning/set-up, click here.

Over the years at Onks Woodwind, we have found two reasons that consistently cause water buildup in oboe/EH octave vents…

To read the rest of this article, click here.

The short answer is: YES! After playing your oboe for a while moisture forms inside the bore. It is always a good idea to remove the moisture so that it doesn’t build up in the tone holes and so it doesn’t dry leaving a hard crusty residue behind. Some people prefer to use a silk pull through swab, some like non-pull though swabs, and others like feathers. No matter what you choose, swabbing must be done.  Check out this video on how we recommend to swab your oboe.

Here at Onks Woodwind, we get asked this question a lot! You would think it is a pretty easy question to answer, but that is not entirely true. Sometimes the only real consideration is financial and in that case, it’s an easy yes or no. However, it’s hardly ever just a financial decision. Who is the oboe for? What’s the oboe going to be used for? What’s the condition of the wood or plastic? What’s the financial situation of the family? Was the oboe a family heirloom? Will this oboe truly help the player attain their goals? These are just a few questions that we pose to our clients who ask us about overhauling oboes because every situation is different. Contact us and we will be happy to help you make this tough decision.

This is a question we hear a lot, not only in our shop but most everywhere we go.  This is a very complicated question and one not to be taken lightly.  Read what we have to say about it here…