Post 9: Anything is Possible!


Post 6: Customer Service!

There is a lot of talk out there about customer service. When you go out and spend your hard earned money at a fast food restaurant, a gas station, grocery store, etc., many times the employees at that establishment seem just plain annoyed that they have to take your money and interact with you.  But even worse than these examples are the very large corporations.  Have you received customer service at your big bank?  Have you received customer service from your cell phone company? Lots of times I have felt like I was only a number and when I finally got to the so called “counter” they told me “No soup for you!”

Over the past 5 1/2 years since I have had my own business, I have started paying more attention to businesses in general.  Did you know that 99.7% of all business in America are small businesses with less than 500 employees?  52% of that number are home based businesses.*  Why is this important?  Well America is run by small business and if you are going to find customer service, this is most likely where you will find it.

And so, in my business I strive to treat you, the client, a.k.a a human being, like I would like to be treated.  When we, (humans in general,) feel that we are so much better than someone else, why do we tend to become self-absorbed and too good to interact with that other person?  Sometimes people think I’m crazy, but I feel when you excel in a particular area and people seek you out for help, you should use that time to be a teacher!  We are all on this earth together  and whoever dies with the most knowledge, still dies.  This is why I will spend time with you to answer any questions you have about oboes and clarinets.  I will spend time with you to answer all of your questions about repair and your concerns about repair.  God has placed me in my position to help others and to be a teacher.  So if there is anything I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to call or email!  Jason

